Friday, February 24, 2012

Keep Skin Youthful: Protect Hands,Neck,Chest

Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock SPF 70We know that to keep skin youthful, it is important to slather sunscreen on your face before heading outside - - but what about your hands, neck and upper chest area?

Brown spots on the back of hands and dry, wrinkled skin along the neck and chest area are often caused from overexposure to the sun - - exposure that busy women sometimes forget to take into account.

Whether you are driving a vehicle or heading outside to mail a letter, keep skin youthful by protecting  hands, neck and upper chest area from constant exposure to sunlight. Do not forget to wear sunscreen on these delicate parts of your body to keep your skin youthful or they will show signs of premature aging.

Keep a scarf in the car to drape around your neck while driving around town, covering exposed skin in the chest area to keep skin youthful and undamaged from the sun.

  Agent Provocateur Driving Gloves   Protect hands from the sun's glare by wearing driving gloves similar to those worn by Tippi Hedren in "The Birds" -- and don't worry, that was just a movie.  

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Get Rid of Nose Hair

Get rid of nose hair hanging out of the opening of your nostrils for a better appearance. Check to see if nose hair extends out of your nostrils by taking a look in the mirror in a well-lit area. Hold  your head level, then tilt your head from side to side. Give your nose a close inspection - - can you see small nose hairs protruding from your nostrils -- or clustered in your nostril openings? If so, you need to get rid of nose hair.

Sure, nostrils need some hair in them to filter out dust particles and help keep moisture inside nostrils, BUT no hair should be visible around the opening of nostrils let alone sticking out of nostrils.

On the other hand, NEVER trim too much hair out of your nostrils or you will become a breathing, whistling, one-person band. Over-trimming nose hair creates an uncomfortable feeling in your nasal airways and leaves a void where some hair should be.

  Get rid of nose hair using a pair of small manicure scissors. Snip hair in the nostril opening away. Don't dig the scissors up your nose, for heavens sake, or you could end up in real pain, bleed, or get an infection.

Ask your hair stylist or barber if they provide a trim serving to get rid of nose hair; many do trim nose hair in addition to ear hair.

Consider using a battery-operated nasal hair trimmer, as some of them are very efficient. However, prepare to experience mild pain as tiny hairs are ripped out by the roots. Read Nose Hair Clipper Comparison Test for additional suggestions on how to get rid of nose hair.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to Cover a Big Stomach For Women

Cover a big stomach for women by camouflaging your middle area using these clever fashion tips:

  1.   Wear "jeggings" if your legs are great but your middle is larger. Jeggings are a snug fitting stretch pant in a variety of colors and textures with back and/or front pockets. Add a long t-shirt-style shirt and top with a short or mid-hip blazer to cover a big stomach for women. Grab some bling, including a necklace and earrings, and you are good to go.
  2. Chunky legs and a wider middle are minimized with higher heels. You don't have to wear 6-inch heels, however, for a lean silhouette. Wedge-heeled shoes are comfy and look great. Keep your form sleek by wearing clothes in the same color scheme from head to toe for a smooth look.
  3. Look at your face and find out which neckline is best for you. Round faces love "V" necks and long, narrow faces look great with a round scoop-neck shirt. If your neckline is a fit, your wait will not look so large.
  4.     Shirts that are longer, with a pattern, such as this shirt by Simply Vera (Wang) [Kohl's Department store] is ideal to hide a wider waist while looking fashionable. 
  5. Pick a bra that really fits and your middle area won't look so large. We love Spanx bras because they leave no traceable "back bulge" and are super comfy to wear.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Humira Experience As a Solution For Psoriasis

HUMIRA® (adalimumab)   
Here is a narrative of a woman's experience with psoriasis and prescription Humira

Shortly after turning age 46, psoriasis suddenly appeared on my aunt's legs below the knee. She showed me a few red blotches with a bit of dryness to their appearance and I told her to make an appointment to see a dermatologist.

The dermatologist performed a biopsy on a fleck of the red skin and confirmed that my aunt had psoriasis. Psoriasis  is a skin disorder thought to be related to the immune system and it often runs in families. Now, I was not only worried about my aunt, but my skin's future as well. There is no cure for psoriasis, and hearing such news from her dermatologist was hard for my dear aunt to bear.

Clobex    The dermatologist gave her a prescription for spray-on Clobex, which worked on the red spots on her legs quite well. The bad thing about Clobex spray is that the spray bottle leaks a great deal, which is a shame since the prescription, on a poor-performing health insurance policy, is quite expensive.Additionally, Clobex should not be used on the face, which is where psoriasis often strikes.

As the years progressed, my aunt turned 47, 48 and then 49 years old; her psoriasis gradually worsened. It spread to cover both of her legs from thighs to ankles. Psoriasis developed on her elbows and upper tricep area and, for some explicable reason, a patch of psoriasis appeared under her chin. Lastly, two specks of psoriasis appeared under the eyebrow area of her face (a common area for psoriasis to show up.)

Upon hitting the age of 51, my aunt decided she had endured enough. She returned to the dermatologist and asked for a prescription for Humira, an injectable medication that eases the symptoms of psoriasis. In the past, Auntie had received an impressive promotional brochure from the dermatologist about Humira but disliked the possible consequences and side effects related to taking Humira.

After performing blood work to be sure that my aunt was clear of issues that included Tuberculosis, she was given a Humira prescription. The doctor's office took care of all the paperwork and the insurance company approved her prescription - - although she must still pay a sizeable amount per  month.

On the first day of treatment for psoriasis with Humira, our aunt with severe psoriasis gave herself  2 injections of Humira, as directed. Injections come pre-loaded and are ready to use. A very informative DVD provided by Humira showed her exactly how to do the injection at home. The medicine produced a burning feeling as it entered her skin, but only for a moment.

Within 2 days, results were noticeable. The redness of her psoriasis spots, which ranged from the size of a dime to a speck of rice, had faded.

Eight days later, she was directed to take another injection of Humira, and while she chose to inject the medication into her thigh, there are other areas of the body to inject, including the stomach area.

One day after her second injection, not only was the redness of her existing psoriasis lessened, but the smaller spots had disappeared.

We don't know what the future holds, but I am happy that my Aunt is feeling more confident about her skin. The patch of psoriasis under her chin is almost gone and the redness of psoriasis on her face does not require heavy make up, as it once did. Maybe one day she can wear shorts or a skirt without feeling self-conscious.

Because my aunt gave me permission to share her story, she has decided that she would like to continue to give details about her experience with Humira. We'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, please share with us and other readers any experiences you have about psoriasis in our comments section, and maybe we can help others fight this silent affliction.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Embrace Being Middle-Aged

  "Are you a faded wallflower or are you vibrant?"  Those of us in middle-age may wish to ask ourselves this question.

Much as the query "Are you a man, or are you a mouse?" is truly asking someone if they are brave enough to handle a task or perform some feat, asking yourself if you are a faded wallflower or vibrant may help  open your eyes about how you feel about yourself and how you believe others perceive you.

  Faded wallflowers do not speak up when a conversation is taking place as they feel that anything they have to say would not be interesting to others. If you have become a wallflower, you may have noticed that you have slowly withdrawn from being sociable.

Middle-age women, in particular, may become faded wallflowers because they associate being middle-age with undesirability and a sense of non-worth. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

   Without being pushy or obnoxious, middle-age women should be proud to be middle-aged. After all, look how much you have been through that younger people could not possibly imagine. Your value as a middle-aged woman cannot be measured by the way that you look - after all, if you did not look older, it would mean that you were not alive!

  Practice being a vibrant, proud middle-age woman by being involved in life. Call friends and get together often, visit extended family when you can and get out of town or join social groups whenever possible. Learn a new skill or take on a hobby. In other words, get out there and mingle, show 'em what you've got and you will soon find that the faded wallflower has blossomed.

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